Back in Devon

A good, if long (and rather longer than anticipated) last day in the Drôme yesterday: a quick blast up to Col de Rousset on the bike (it was windless and cool for the effort), then an early lunch at home, before setting off to Geneva in hire car. The drive there was easy enough (and very scenic), but firstly Google Maps directions for the French-side Hertz Car Hire were incorrect (they sent me to the Swiss side), then, having gone round in circles for thirty minutes (next time I’ll just set if for ‘Ferney-Voltaire douanes’!), the flight was delayed by 90 minutes because the French strikes had disrupted air traffic control over French airspace all day.

At least all was very efficient when I got back to Bristol, with no real queues to go through border control, or collecting the key for my car, for the drive back home. But it was rather late!

Anyway, here’s a happy me after having done the ascent in about 65 minutes…

Solo stomp

For my last full day here, I decided to make the most of the weather and the hire car by driving early to Saoû for a walk up to Roche Colombe… I’d originally thought about doing the very popular and amazing Trois Becs, but they always seem to catch any uncertain weather, and the suggested route was a bit longer than I felt like. Roche Colombe is at the other end of the famous perched valley, and also has the most amazing views, despite being 700m lower!

Anyway, suffice to say that it was a physical and visual treat, and I was still back home in time for salad lunch in the sunshine!

A day out with friends

Although I haven’t had the pleasure of the company of Helen & John, it was lovely to meet up with French friends Dora & Stéphane today, and instead of them driving me hither and thither, I was able to do the chauffeuring in the hire car, for a change. We had three objectives: food (picnic and cakes), orchids, and the Gorges d’Omblèze, with their waterfalls. As you’ll see, all objectives achieved, and especially so on the waterfalls front after all the recent rain… they are rarely this good, and we even had the bonus of unexpected un on them!

Gigors ride: orchids and rivers

We’ve had two evenings of good storms and heavy rains, so I combined two aims in todays ride: more orchids, and seeing what the rivers looked like.

I headed for Gigors, as I’d hoped to see orchids near the road on the way there, but either through my ignorance, or because of heavy roadside verge grass cutting, I saw none there, apart from a few pyramid orchids. But I did see some in the Quint Valley and on the Col de la Croix road, so all was well. And the rivers I went along or over (the Sure, the Gervanne and the Drôme) were all looking pleasingly full, if full of sediment for now (which is quite normal after storms). Oh, and I found some lavender that’s just starting to get its colour and scent.

Col de Pennes flower ride

The south side of Col de Pennes is always interesting for flowers… no orchids, but this dry limestone south facing hillside has its own collection of rockery-type plants. Anyway, quite apart from that, it was nice to ascend from the Aucelon side for a change!

Le Pison walk

Yesterday was the first time I’ve done the walk between Pas de Chabrinel (at the top of the Meyrosse Valley) and le Pison at this time of year, and it didn’t disappoint – apart from the fantastic views, this time I was treated to more orchids, a marmot, and a few bouquetins. The only disappointment was that I tried to find the Roman quarry, but failed, so I’ll have to go back there again with better directions to hand!